The Social Teen

How to navigate the challenges and opportunities of adolescence Introduction Being a teenager is not easy. You have to deal with physical, emotional, and social changes, as well as academic and peer pressure. You may feel confused, insecure, or lonely at times. But you also have the chance to explore your identity, discover your passions, […]

Listen Up, Parents! Discover the Art of Hearing What Your Teen Boy Isn’t Saying

Navigating the teenage years can be like trying to solve a complex puzzle without all the pieces. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor specializing in adolescents, I’ve seen many parents face the challenge of understanding their teenage sons. It’s not just about what they say; it’s often about what they don’t say. Let’s explore how […]

Unlock the Secret Language of Teen Boys: Start Conversations that Matter!

Unlock the Secret Language of Teen Boys: Start Conversations that Matter! As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with a Diplomate status in working with adolescents and children, I’ve seen my fair share of communication breakdowns between parents and their teenage sons. But fear not! I’m here to share some insider tips and real-life stories to […]

Vomit and Girls!

I’m a normal and decent guy, why do I feel anxious and think I’m going to vomit when I am trying to talk to a girl? It’s not weird or anything – lots of guys go through this. You see, your body has this thing called the ‘fight or flight’ response, right? It’s like this […]

How to Make a Good Decision Using Your Morals and Conscience.

Making important decisions is a part of growing up, and it can be both exciting and scary. While it’s normal to feel unsure about what to do, there are ways to make the decision-making process easier and more effective. One of the most important things you can do is use your conscience and morals to […]

How to Stop Lying

Teaching a teenager to stop lying can be a challenging task, but here are some techniques that can be helpful: Encourage honesty: Create an environment where honesty is encouraged and rewarded. Praise your teenager when they tell the truth, and avoid punishment when they admit to their mistakes. Identify the root cause: Try to understand […]

What’s the deal with Puberty?

Puberty is the process of physical and hormonal changes that occur in the body as a person becomes an adult. It usually begins between the ages of 8 and 14 for girls and between the ages of 9 and 16 for boys. During puberty, the body goes through a number of changes, including: Physical growth: […]

How can I control my anger?

It’s completely normal to feel angry or frustrated with your parents at times, especially as a teenager when you are trying to establish your independence and autonomy. However, it’s important to find healthy ways to manage and express your anger rather than lashing out or acting out in harmful ways. Here are a few tips […]

Why Do Teens Lie?

There can be many reasons why teenagers might lie. Some common reasons include: To avoid punishment: If a teenager thinks they will get in trouble for something they have done, they might lie in an attempt to avoid punishment. To fit in: Teenagers may lie in an attempt to fit in with a certain group […]

Lacking Motivation for School

It’s completely normal to feel unmotivated from time to time, especially when it comes to school or other responsibilities. There could be a number of reasons why you’re struggling to motivate yourself for school. Some common causes of lack of motivation include feeling overwhelmed by schoolwork, not finding the material interesting, experiencing personal or family […]